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Blissedout bathbombs



Regular price $5.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 CAD
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THE POST HOLIDAY BATH OF YOUR DREAMS. Drop me into your warm bath and detox your skin suit! Formulated with clays, magnesium, vitamin e and various salts. Unscented. 

1-Drop bath bomb into bath
2-Soak 30+ minutes (make sure to keep your feet under the water. The pores in your feet are large and can absorb the healing properties better than any other area)
3-Pat Dry for maximum effects and oil absorption.  

BB: 6m of purchase. 3.5oz bathbomb. Wrapped and boxed.

Ingredients: Coconut oil, magnesium sulfate, magnesium flakes, coarse grain Epsom salt, sodium bicarbonate, tricarboxylic acid, amylum, kaolin clay, bentonite clay, vitamin e oil. 

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